
Pediatrics in Turkey

Pediatrics is the department that deals with psychological and physical diseases that occur in infants. Humans are considered infants from birth until puberty. This range includes the ages of 0-18. Pediatrics also called the child health and diseases department, is the branch of science that deals with the diagnosis, follow-up, and treatment of individuals in the process from birth to adolescence. Pediatricians follow the treatments of children between the ages of 0 and 18, vaccinations that should be applied regularly after birth, and mental, physical, and motor development. With examinations made during this process, many processes such as the development of babies' height, weight, nutritional development, as well as the development of daily life skills, expression and understanding, and neurological and psychological developments are monitored. Physicians, who deal with the diagnosis and treatment of the diseases of babies whose communication skills have not yet developed, carry out the examinations of infants. Child health and diseases physicians specialize in the department of pediatrics for 4 years after 6 years of medical school education. The child health and diseases department also has many sub-branches. Pediatricians specializing in these fields go through an additional training process. 

Pediatric Surgery in Turkey

Doctors of the pediatric surgery department deal with the diagnosis and treatment of physical deformities and many diseases known as congenital anomalies. Except for heart diseases, thoracic, gynecology, oncology, endocrine, digestive system, trauma, and abdominal and umbilical hernia surgery are the main areas of expertise. In addition to open surgeries, laparoscopic and thoracoscopic surgical procedures known as closed surgeries are also performed by pediatric surgeons.

Pediatric Cardiology in Turkey

This field deals with the diagnosis and treatment of heart diseases in individuals from the infancy in the mother's womb up to the age of 18. Pediatric cardiology deals with the diagnosis and treatment of acquired diseases as well as congenital heart diseases defined as congenital murmurs. In children, the healing process is much faster than in adults, thanks to the surgical interventions made through small incisions and up-to-date surgical procedures in most cases, and the rapid metabolism of children.

Child Neurology in Turkey

Pediatric neurology is the science that deals with the diagnosis and treatment of diseases related to the brain and nervous system of individuals between the ages of 0-18. Physicians of this department deal with many diseases such as brain injuries, paralysis, neurological development disorders, febrile and non-febrile seizures, autism, dizziness, headache, epilepsy, and muscle diseases that occur in the womb or during birth.

Child and Adolescent Psychiatry in Turkey

In addition to physical development, many development tests such as diagnosis and treatment of diseases occurring under the age of 18, when psychological development is quite rapid, psychosocial, social, and self-care of children, gross motor skills, language and cognitive development, and attention tests are also available for children and adolescents. Treatments such as individual psychotherapy and family therapy are also performed by specialist doctors.

Pediatric Hematology in Turkey

Hematology, the field of blood diseases, is the science that deals with the function and structure of blood and bone marrow. Along with the diseases such as weakness, fatigue, jaundice, polycythemia, recurrent infections, weight problems, bleeding, enlargement of lymph nodes, bone and joint pains, hemangioma, lymphoma, leukemia, Hodgkin lymphoma, Mediterranean anemia, and nutritional anemia, are also dealt with in pediatric hematology. Transplantations such as bone marrow and blood transfusions are also performed by the surgeons and doctors of this department. The pediatric hematology department is a sub-branch of the pediatric health and diseases department.

Pediatric Nephrology in Turkey

Pediatric nephrologists specialize in kidney and urinary tract diseases of individuals between the ages of 0-18. Along with the diagnosis and treatment of these diseases, pediatric nephrology also applies preventive treatment measures to halt the reoccurrence of the diseases and prevent irreparable damage to the kidneys. In addition to glomerular, tubulointerstitial, and renal parenchymal diseases, pediatric nephrology department doctors deal with congenital or acquired kidney cystic diseases. Kidney diseases due to systemic disorders such as familial Mediterranean fever and lupus and urinary tract diseases seen in infants and children are also examined and treated by pediatric nephrology. In some cases, the diagnosis and treatment of urinary tract infections and kidney diseases that develop in the baby when they are in the womb are also followed and treated by pediatric nephrologists.

Pediatric Immunology and Allergy Diseases in Turkey

Doctors who specialize in pediatric immunology and allergy diseases deal with the diagnosis and treatment of immunological diseases. Also, the diagnosis and treatment of many diseases such as asthma, urticaria, eczema, allergic rhinitis, food, insect, and drug allergies, and respiratory function tests are followed up and treated by pediatric immunology and allergy specialists.